Here's an old tape I would've forgotten about if I didn't have an archive....recorded on Boxing Day 2003 at Lisa Preston's practice space in Shadbolt House, Lyttelton. I believe they knocked it down after the Christchurch earthquakes a couple of years ago. I always liked this building and used to do a weekly experimental radio show on the fourth floor (I'll post about that soon...). Independent Fisheries owned it but now the main inhabitants were Radio Lytteltion, a small soap business, something else and a bunch of weed smoking weirdo jammers below the floors. Lisa named her practice space the Lunar Lounge.
I was about to move up to Wellington so we had a party jam with most of my friends present. There'd been several jams here earlier but I think this was my last one here. The recording was made using a sony minidisc player and was also edited/looped using the same device (the minidisc was great for making seamless loops!). I supposedly made twelve of these a year or so later and the rest are who knows where...Because the night was well fuelled my recollections are a bit skewered so I'll just list the instruments and those persons who were generally hanging out near them...
GUITAR: Kyle Denovan, Richard (Ricko) Neave, Lynton Denovan
BASS: Kent Roper, Isolde Cumberbeach, Lynton
VOCALS: David Kahn
DRUMS: Rustle Covini, Joanne Billesdon, Lynton, Kyle
KEYBOARDS: Lisa Preston, perhaps Lynton and anyone's guess!
Of particular fun is the guest singing of David Kahn from local industrial band Leonard Nimoy. He did a great falsetto that night and his improv tune "Dumb White Trash" works a treat for me.
It's only ten minutes long so put it on random play and get a good half hour out of it...Get your pig on!
Here's Shadbolt House pre-demolition.
I was about to move up to Wellington so we had a party jam with most of my friends present. There'd been several jams here earlier but I think this was my last one here. The recording was made using a sony minidisc player and was also edited/looped using the same device (the minidisc was great for making seamless loops!). I supposedly made twelve of these a year or so later and the rest are who knows where...Because the night was well fuelled my recollections are a bit skewered so I'll just list the instruments and those persons who were generally hanging out near them...
GUITAR: Kyle Denovan, Richard (Ricko) Neave, Lynton Denovan
BASS: Kent Roper, Isolde Cumberbeach, Lynton
VOCALS: David Kahn
DRUMS: Rustle Covini, Joanne Billesdon, Lynton, Kyle
KEYBOARDS: Lisa Preston, perhaps Lynton and anyone's guess!
Of particular fun is the guest singing of David Kahn from local industrial band Leonard Nimoy. He did a great falsetto that night and his improv tune "Dumb White Trash" works a treat for me.
It's only ten minutes long so put it on random play and get a good half hour out of it...Get your pig on!
P.S. Thanks Breeze for taking photos of the cover and tape for me...x